“In a crystal we have clear evidence of the existence of a formative life principle, and though we cannot understand the life of a crystal, it is nonetheless a living being .”

Nikola Tesla

Come visit our beautiful Crystals Boutique!

One of my most favorite things in working with crystals for over 30 years is to simply sit and meditate with them.

To sit in their majestic presence and truly feel into the rhythm of the deep earth from which they came. To fully immerse myself in their vibration and give

back my love and gratitude. One of my greatest pleasures is curating a very special and unique hand picked selection for my customers and private clients.

They all tell a story and choose their home. I am happy to be the Sanctuary Mama and Earth Guardian to her minerals.

Truly excited to bring some unique “Soul Candy,” to our very special community!

Crystal Consultation for Private Clients

Did you know that I also intuitively hand pick each unique crystal at SUNSTONE? From stunning crystals for your home or business, to powerful stones to

carry with you, I have a very carefully curated collection. Over time, I have been hired to curate some of the most exquisite crystals for private clients to

adorn their homes and businesses. Yes!! Our environment needs energetic alignment! Crystals are a powerful tool to do exactly that, as well as adorn our

sacred spaces with their breathtaking beauty as decor.

I offer a free 30 minute consultation where we can chat about finding you that very special piece of Crystal Soul Candy! If you want to dive into the world of

crystals with me and learn how these precious stones can enhance your well-being, sacred spaces and spiritual journey, simply email me at: sunstonesanctuary@gmail.com

SUNSTONE… A Crystals and Mind-Body Wellness Sanctuary.